Sunday, June 21, 2015

Cupid then and now

It seems just a few days ago,
she was on my dreams oh! oh! oh!
Her breath taking eyes,
which if accidentally collided with mine 
I used to feel
as if the world is under my heels
Her laughter
on her friend's chatter 
would kill me,
as if I am cut by a sharp knife
"Yes, she is my life"
I used to say inside.
But, never being able to express
also not being able to suppress
those feelings would just burst out
and my pals would shout,
I still remember them teasing
turning me black and blue
but I just lied silent as I was afraid
what she would do.

I see her eyes still beautiful
but has no effect on mine
I ask myself
How did I fall for it then?
Now when she laughs
even on my talk
I don't get stuck
She is still the same.
"No, no quite thinner then"
I judge her
but my friends ungrave my heart
they have a new joke to start
And this time I convince
with smile
I am single and I can't do anything
as she has husband on her side. 

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