Friday, July 17, 2015

Threshold of my in-betweenness

You have seen me smiling
even have caught me crying
but there are still some moments
hidden from you;
the moments of abandon,
where both the smiles and the tears
don't accompany me.

You are part of my happiness
you have shared my sorrow.
Still there are some feelings
besides the joy and the pain;
my tranquility; when
the days are simple, yet complex
and you have never discovered me in it.

I have shown you my strengths,
even revealed my fears
But, there are still some parts of me
yet to be showcased
chased away from my confidence and the fright
difficult to be understood by you

Sometimes I am clear,
Sometimes too confused
Amid the confusion and clarity,
there is another me who,
always search a way out to move on
yet to be followed by you

When there is still
some hidden from you,
still some to be discovered by you,
it seems you still need time to understand me
and there are paths you still haven't followed

When I am still buffering
for my identity;
still searching me inside myself.

Are you still sure to hold my hand?
Is it possible to make our common stand?
Do you still feel you can witness;
my presence
 in those moments of in-betweenness, those days of blur
and on those crossroads?
Still are you willing to be my threshold?

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