Sunday, September 12, 2021

Sometimes I hate being woman

 Sometimes I hate being a woman

the other times, I dislike hatred as an emotion.

For the days when I crave love,

I understand there are most of the days

I hate; so hate being loved.

The apathy that the hormones generate

The irritation that I frequently get

The anger,

The dissonance and the disconnection

Why couldn't my life be simple

where I could just love and be loved

I question

Why should I be the one paying the 

a penalty just for the reason of giving birth to a new life?

Shouldn't I be getting the respect I deserve for bearing all that pain;

before and after begetting a new human?

Why does my body succumb every month to a disaster that is bound for an eruption?

Why there are only few days that I like to talk while the rest of the other

I just like everyone; everyone

including me to shut the fuck up.

Sometimes I so hate being a woman

for how all these pain are just taken as a means to blame you,

shame you, or to laugh at you.

the other times, I dislike 'hatred' as an emotion. 

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