Friday, August 18, 2017

The Run

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The clock stroke 1 am.
Midnight passed.

Within a few hours the sun will be beaming in happiness with its rosy shades. It’s a usual routine but she wanted the morning to beam soon. She desired a new hope to run down her nerves soon.

For, she knew with the passing of this night her ghouls of thoughts shall pass on too. Only she knows how difficult it is for her to run away from that black phantom. The sudden urge of dying had again stroked her mind with the temptation to cut her nerves.

She imagined herself drowned in blood.
She changed her mind and wanted to hang herself up into that blank ceiling.
Ughh! She got frightened with her own dark self.

She kept on asking questions to herself which she knew no one could answer even her own self. She wondered if she had known herself or not.

She kept on reminding herself not to get provoked for the disaster for; she won’t be able to see her love again, there are people who count on her, there are people who loved her and will never be able to love anyone again if she chose any of those routes.

She looked herself in the dark mirror with her watery eyes. She saw herself not different than any ghosts. She was already dead in her soul and that urged her strongly to take her life from her body as well.

She blamed herself for all those negative interpretations surrounding her. She looked around and asked what was wrong that made her think that way.
She didn’t find any answer.
“Are you lonely?”
“Have you gone through any misfortune recently?
“Then, what’s the trigger that wanted you to give up your life?”
She stumbled on her own questions. The tragedy is she wanted to die again for she had all those thoughts without any reason.

She had been running away from death. She did it that night as well and hoped the other night shall pass soon.

She feared if she will get tired of running. 

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