Friday, August 30, 2013

Many loop holes to stitch.............

Today, I must say that I was most nervous. As today was our result day of first term exam and today we were going to meet with our guardians for the first time. Everyone was exited for the results and so was I. And it was the time to disclose the results, as I was the class teacher of grade six, I had the results of the very class and I had to talk with the guardians of grade six. I was expecting to know more about them and about my students as well. And the guardians also started to come one by one but what I expected and what I wished all went in vain as something different happened. First inside the class came one old grand mother, who did not know anything about education and its importance and she was totally drunk as well. She came near to me and said something in Newari language. And poor me, I don't understand the language much but as she was telling the name of her grandson, I just took out the marksheet of her grandson and gave it to her. Then without saying a word she went. And the process went on. Some parents were just interested to know whether their children had passed or failed and had no mood to talk to me. Some compared their children with others and threatened their sons and daughters not to come home otherwise they are going to be punished. Similarly some who seemed to be educated just came and were in a hurry to go as they were being late for their office. And finally the last markseet was on my hand and the father of that student came. His eyes were red as if he was so angry. I too felt scared and thought that how would his son feel infront of him. His son had failed seven subjects.I was just trying to open my mouth, he snatched the paper from my hand and grasped his son and went away. I kept standing there thinking what happened in my classroom in that few hours. So this is the reality of our education system, we are trying to maintain through one way but the other way there is still so much to make which is more important as family environment matters a lot in a child's education. So I had totally a different thinking the same day in the morning and then few hours later, in the afternoon....

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