Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Missing Suman.........

Every beginning of  a new month would be a day of happiness for us, we used to choose our 'Student of the Month' from each class give them a cards', start a new chart paper with stars, do the reflection and many more other good deeds. Today too, I wanted to do that, I wanted to had a new beginning. My mind was saying me that but my heart it was not accepting it. It was being emotional, too emotional. Today I thought that I would go first, first than Suman used to reach Lagankhel so that I could call him and tease him that I became first today. I was ten minutes before our time but today again I became second as Seetu was already there before me. I guess Seetu too had thought the same. Then we two headed towards our journey, entered inside the micro bus, like other days chose the last seat but today there was not Suman. Till the bus left from Lagankhel, I was still thinking that Suman will come, Suman will come, he has a schedule to meet us at 9 am. But the micro bus started, he did not come. Both me and Seetu could not control our tears. We hold each other's hand and comforted us. Besides me, a there was a monk. I don't know why but I was being angry with him too because it was Suman's place where he was sitting. But later on I realized that its going to happen each day on the bus. We reached school. Everyone was sad. As per grade eight's request Suman had sent his reflection to them of his three months. We gathered the students and I started to read the reflection. For the first time in my life I was feeling difficult to read. Everyone was crying and I was not being able to console any one of them, grade six who had not responded during these days were so much crying that I can't explain. As per our schedule, we chose our 'Student of the month' but today they did not enjoy their success. They were just remembering Suman all the time. And in grade nine, Suman had written his last words on the white board that "Each of you will pass and move on to grade 10 with 80+ marks in Science." and grade nine students are now demanding one another white board for them as they don't want to remove these words from the board and today they did not let any one rub that words.......I have leisure at second period and every day I used to hear Suman's voice next to where I would sit teaching in grade seven and today there was a different voice next to me. That was a very difficult moment for me. Even students were singing the song time to time which Suman used to sing all the time. So every where it was Suman today....... 


  1. came across your blog today...Still feels the same vibes when I read, even after so long...were few which i missed read today...I dunno what to say...thanks a lot...:)

  2. No need to thanks Suman Maharjan...we all really miss you and especially the students.
